As wildcrafters we promise to protect Planet Earth and to understand wild places and plant spirit medicines that consider biodiversity and shadow biodiversity.
Now we are sharing what we have discovered… with you. Our Promise
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Discover the Earthling part of “you” and become part of the Vibenation... 

Join our efforts with “wild offsetting” by purchasing our wild tisanes, cocktail blends and other wildcrafted products. At the Wildcraft Forest we are part of a “vibe” that is changing planet Earth. Because you are reading this, you are probably part of this vibe. It’s a deep connection to the Earth and to the waters, the lands and the forests that contain energies that exist far beyond the human imagination – there’s a vibe and you can feel it. We are wildcrafters and we measure ourselves within a promise that we have made to this planet and the Cosmos – we are the Vibenation.

We wildcraft drink, food and craft so that we can provide wild plant restoration, propagation, growing and harvesting activities under a strict code of ethics that includes our promise. Our regenerative approach to stewardship serves a model for re-wilding and offers food and health care sectors an opportunity to transition to a “regenerative” approach to business and supply. Our “Mother Tree” system of harvesting contains an Ayurvedic approach, which helps to elevate the nature of wellness within natural formulas.

We create teas that are wild tisanes which have become know as th most unique drinks on planet Earth. When we create our wild tisanes we prefer to use the whole plant, we think that energetically the spirit of the plant is best delivered as a whole “being” and that spirit will then emerge within the taste and the healthy benefits which are present. Most of our blends are prepared within seasonal guilds, which means that the plants are within a local proximity to each other and have matured at close to the same time within the season.

We’re very conscious of the ecosystem that the plants grow in and their relationship to Mother Trees. We harvest using certain design methods so that plants can easily and naturally recover from a harvest. Once harvested, plants are either dried in shaded areas where they are hung, on racks or within drying boxes. We will dry some plants in the Sun, where they will receive certain energies that will provide different tastes and wellness properties.

Once the plants are dry they are then prepared for blending and fermenting.

When we blend our wild tisanes everything is done by hand and as the process happens we channel the plant spirit medicines into a prayer for each particular blend. The prayer is inserted into the mixing bin and remains there through the fermentation process. We believe that the energy of the prayer offers an emission of intentions and blessings that are then carried by the tea directly to you. In most cases a copy of the prayer is inserted into Wildcraft Forest Tea Bottles for your enjoyment.

Once blended and packaged our wild tisanes will have remained coarse and will contain the whole plant. For this reason its important to carefully strain your tea so that you can remove all the course material from your cup.

Be wild but be careful – strain your tea well, but be sure that you have read the list of botanicals that are contained in your tea. Those with food sensitivities should be extra careful because they might not be familiar with some of the wild botanicals that are in the blend.
Our prices are higher than most teas and tisanes that you might find in a grocery store or specialty shop. We have good reason to price our products high; we take a great deal of time and care preparing our wild tisanes. When you buy from us you are not only receiving great new tastes that exemplify the wilds of British Columbia, but you are supporting the regenerative work that we do. We pride ourselves on putting more back than we receive from nature. We keep this in mind when we package your tisane because most often we over-weight on the amount listed. We try to maintain a package that will provide you with 50-100 cups of tea depending on the strength of flavor you prefer.

When you buy Wildcraft Forest Teas you can do so online, and we will ship you the tea right from the forest. You can also buy it though a location that we are eager to support. Please keep in mind when you order directly from us by phone or email you will be received from a cottage in the forest. You might get a voicemail and that’s because we are harvesting, blending or making – but we’ll call you back. The good news is that you will be ordering not from a call center, but from a wildcrafter who will be eager to share the news about an inspiring day in the forest – and that’s the energy that goes into your wild tisane…and that’s the Vibenation in real time.
Our intention is for you to adopt a local café or hold a Wild Tea Ceremony, that way you can gift some to your friends; or facilitate a bulk order with your friends; or resell the tea at a profit so that you can help a cause. Bulk orders allow us to be more efficient so that we can apply more of our energy to regenerative work on the land.

Making a payment for your tea is pretty low tech and simple – we use a secure Paypal platform and if you like we can have a conversation with you where you can then decide what you want to purchase and we will email you a payment link and then once your payment is complete we will ship your order.
Wild Offsetting
By purchasing wild tisanes, medicines and other wildcrafted products from the Wildcraft Forest you are offsetting your industrial footprint on planet Earth. By cutting your consumption of industrialized coffee, tea, food and herbal medicines you are slowing the expansion of industrial plantations and farms into wild areas. By doing so you are offsetting industrial expansion by supporting wild regeneration.

Our global industrialized coffee and tea consumption is damaging places, people and this planet. For example, each Starbucks store serves an average of just over 500 customers per day and that number will grow to more than 750 customers by 2020 – and there are a lot of Starbucks stores worldwide – plus there are many more coffee and teashops. At Starbucks’ this growth will happen because of an expanded food menu and your behavior. Starbucks' mobile app, and mobile payment capabilities will help drive Starbucks growth in the future. It’s important to know that when this growth happens, more wild areas will succumb to coffee plantations, species will be lost and chemicals will be used to enhance the harvests of coffee beans – because of greater demand. As this happens, the people in these plantation dependent countries will not have access to their local food production areas because industrial coffee production will be using those lands.

Learn more about Wild Offsetting

Learn about Mother Trees
Learn about Wild Regeneration
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Contact Us

TheWildcraft Forest
At the Discovery Centre:
Lumby, British Columbia
Phone  250-547-2001

We are seeking to rewild 1000 cafes and neighbourhoods and by supporting this effort you will help the Wildcraft Forest School create a worldwide network of Sanctuary Forests that will help to restore thousands of acres of mixed forests, rainforests, riparian and savannah areas so that wild flora and fauna can move and transition as the Earth changes.
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