Yasei Earthing Guide
Yasei Shinrin Yoku Earthing Guide Certification Training through a 2-day training camp along with distance learning
'Earthing' is a wellness movement that seeks to reconnect us with nature. This program teaches Earthing activities that directly connect your skin to the Earth, including walking outside barefoot, laying on the ground or submerging yourself in water. By becoming a Yasei Earthing Guide you can provide guided experiences for both individuals and groups so that they can experience exercises that will connect them with the Earth in unque and helpful ways.
Earthing (or Grounding) in its natural form refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth, such as with bare feet or hands, or with various other grounding methods. Subjective reports that walking barefoot on the Earth enhances health and provides feelings of well-being can be found in the literature and practices of diverse cultures from around the world. For a variety of reasons, many individuals are reluctant to walk outside barefoot, unless they are on holiday at the beach. Experience and measurements show that sustained contact with the Earth yields sustained benefits.
Walking barefoot, sleeping on the ground as well as through various exercises and meditations can be useful tools for achieving the Earthing of the body. It is claimed that making direct contact with nature provides a transferral of electrons from the Earth's surface to the body becoming "a primordial and naturally stabilized electric reference point for all body biological circuits is created".
Earthing has preventive and curative effects. Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
A Yasei Earthing Guide is trained in the various aspects of natural Earthing including the scientific attributes of making direct contact with the Earth as well as some of the ancient teachings that placing Earthing as a primary human need for retaining balance, focus and positive health. This learning program includes aspects of Telluric Geobiology which is the practice of exploring, studying, testing and treating the effects of the Earth's telluric currents and other electromagentic fields upon biological life including humans, animals and plants. The practice also seeks to understand frequencies found in nature and the cosmic realm.

A Yasei Earthing Guide is versed in unique methods of guiding individuals and groups so that they can overcome fears associated with Nature Deficit Disorder and allowing them to apply Earthing as a nature-based routine in their lives.
The Seven Modalities of Yasei Earthing represents the key focal points from which Yasei Earthing Guides deliver the science and story of Earthing. Each modality includes a number of guided exercises whereby participants can have rich rejuvenating experiences while they connect with the Earth, soil, roots and the life-force that resides in nature.
The Seven Modalities of Yasei Earthing:
Once certified, a Yasei Earthing Guide has an opportunity to set up an independent practice. This series provides an understanding of wilderness therapies, nutri-ecopsychology and aspects of building meaning and purpose. This training can assist them in both career and self-employment endeavors especially suited for counseling, alternative healthcare, the spiritual arts, theology, energy work, education, food, nutrition and outdoor recreation.
Yasei Earthing Guide training is delivered within a number of sections which are contained within a series of online lessons. Camp attendance supports each of these sections which then allows participants to move through the program effectively and with in-person support. Training and certification can take place entirely online as well.
Lessons are delivered in a workbook format with video and audio tuetorials supported by scheduled live calls to trainers.
Learning Sections are as follows:
Section 1
- Introduction to Yasei Earthing and Telluric Geobiology
- Yasei Shinrin Yoku Approach to Nature
- Creating Relationships with Nature
- Living Air and Living Water
- Living Earth Exercises: Exercises connected to how to move on the Earth and within the soil. Includes touch and barefoot walking and rest meditations. Exercises are designed to fit within a forest, field, park, beach and desert environment.
Section 2
- The Earthing Science You Need to Know
- Soil Science and Microbiology
- The Sentient Earth Exercises: Exercises connected to how to move with the Earth as a form of kinship.
Section 3
- Ley Lines, Meridians and Vortexes
- Synthetic Frequencies and Networks
- Making a Connection and Grounding
- The Powerful Earth Exercises: Exercises connected to how to create positive connectivity with Earth energy and methods of grounding.
Section 4
- The Human Body and Earthing
- First Contact and Mindfulness
- Energy Work and Nature Communication
- Codes and Signs, Interpretation and Intuition
- The Inner Earth Exercises: Exercises that connect Earthing to different techniques for healing and addressing metabolic issues such as gut health, building the immune system and depression.
- The Mysterious Earth Exercises: Exercises connected to how to expand joy, happiness and meaning by exploring mysteries connected to the wonder found in the soil
Section 5
- Elements and Elementals – Great Mysteries
- Mother Trees, Roots, Soil, Water and Stewardship
- The Biodynamic Earth Exercises: Exercises connected to how to move with the Earth to create positive connections and relationships with balance and strength which enhances cognition.
Section 6
- Rewilding Methodologies in a local ecosystem of your choice
- Presentation Methodologies and Competing with Mainstream Culture and Technology.
- Development of the Practice
- Utilizing Certification and Branding
- Summary and Growing Opportunities
- The Peaceful Earth Exercises: Exercises that include meditation which utilize Earthing techniques that are designed to improve sleep, relaxation and a sense of peace and renewal.
Upon registration you can expect your first online lesson to be delivered electronically within 10 days. Participants schedule their camp attendance but continue to move through the online lessons before and during the camp and if need be after the camp.
Special Note: Included with your certification training is a placement within a 2-day Yasei Earthing Training Camp located at the Wildcraft Forest School in British Columbia. Once you register we will reach out to you to schedule your camp dates and provide you with camp details and logistics. There is a maximum number of 8 participants per camp.
Yasei Earthing Guide Training Program which includes the 2-day camp and online lessons: Regular Cost - $900 per person (Canadian Dollars).
2025 Camp Dates Open for Registration
Yasei Earthing Guide Certification Training Program
2-Day In-person Camp Series with Distance Learning
Regular Cost: $900.00 (Canadian Dollars) per person
You may register using this secure Paypal link:
You may also register by Interac or
Wells Fargo Transfer. Send us an email and we will send you instructions.
- Camp Accommodation is Included
If you have questions please email us or call 250.547.2001
“Rewild” is the distance-learning program offered by the Wildcraft Forest School. We offer online courses, seminars and outdoor challenges and restoration programs which provide an inspirational and creative environment for students ranging from children to adults and from beginners to professionals.
I will study and seek to understand wild places and plant spirit medicines, craft and food that considers biodiversity and shadow biodiversity. I promise to re-wild food, medicines, community and the human experience including key aspects of political, economic and social structures.