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Shamanic Practitioner Certification Distance Learning Program $1800 per person (Canadian Dollars)

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Shamanic Coaching: Energy Medicine and Biofield Therapy Certification
Become a Biofield Practitioner and explore First Contact, the Guardian Spirit Complex and Shamanism

  • Become a better ancestor
  • Deliver the 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program
  • Presented in a 5 day certification camp
  • Also presented through Distance Learning

This Biofield Practitioners Training Program teaches participants how to deliver a 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program to individuals, groups and into the public and private sectors. This Shamanic Coach training is available through an in-person 5-Day Camp with additional online lessons; or it can be completed entirely online. Training provides topics and methodologies for each session as well as nature-based exercises and meditations. 

At the Wildcraft Forest School we teach a contemporary form of Shamanism that focuses on a pan-spiritual approach to life linked to ancient wisdom and wild mysticism. The school has been constructed upon the Shamanic teachings held by a very old Mystery School.

Mystery schools have long held and protected the ancient wisdom of the world. A schools primary duty is to serve the light and keep the ancient knowledge alive. There was a time when humans used to live by these teachings and to think and act according to certain ways of mystery. However, this way of life was “lost” to the masses in the Middle Ages and the Mystery Schools were forced to go underground in order to preserve and keep safe these sacred and ancient teachings.

Mystery schools exist because life itself produces so many mysteries, such as the cycle of life and death, love, birth, who and what is GOD and SPIRIT and the workings of the universe. As humans we have always been on a quest to discover more about the deeper workings of this existence. One of the deepest mysteries is the mystery of the Self; therefore the ancient decree of these esoteric schools has always been ‘Know Thyself’.

This program delivers deep teachings which helps individuals address questions such as:
  • Who am I?
  • What am I?
  • Where do I come from?
  • Where am I going?
  • What is my purpose?

The school delivers teachings rooted in early Celtic Yamnaya culture which could better be described as Yamnayan Druidism and in particular a branch which are “White Smiths” who were early Shamanic Firekeepers. These teachings focus on a Prime Meridian Star Map contained between the 40N and 60N Lines of Latitudes.

These Shamanic teachings offer certain commonalities that can be found within many indigenous cultures. The program focuses on these commonalities such as the understanding of the Biofield and the Guardian Spirit Complex.

The “Guardian Spirit Complex” is an ancient phenomenon of considerable cultural, social and psychological significance for the great majority of indigenous societies throughout the ages. The Guardians take on many forms, they can be people, ancestors, spirits, plants and animals, even energies. The basic premise is that all things or “beings” are alive and have varying degrees of sentiency whether they be a stone or a person. All of these Guardians exist surrounded by an energy field that contains extraordinary abilities. This program travels participants into these various fields of energy and examines aspects of the Guardian Spirit Complex and then links these teachings to a practical Shamanic Coaching practice.

Contemporary Shamanic Coaching: Shamanic Coaches are guides not therapists.

It remains important that we place these Mystery School teachings and their form of Shamanism into a modern context that includes life-coaching. We are not presenting a religion; we are helping the individual to discover a series of doorways that will help them to nurture a sense of spiritual philosophy within themselves and linked to the natural world and cosmic energies.

Each doorway includes a set of Shamanic teachings that will allow the individual to proceed into a fresh set of experiences that they themselves interpret and engage with.

These elements of individual experiences represent the Shamanic therapy. The Shamanic Coach simply makes apparent each doorway; offers a set of tools in order to help the individual navigate and then serves as a source that will help the individual as they ponder their journey.

Key points that the coach offers or seeks to achieve:
  • Helping clients spend more time in nature by growing dwell times by 20 minute increments in nature and the mysteries;
  • This program includes a Support Kit called “The Science You Need to Know” which will help guide coaches as they explain the logical connections between their clients and the natural world. 
  • Helping people rediscover their mystical connection to nature and the cosmos.
  • Addressing questions such as: Is there a soul; where does it reside; how does it work; where does it go?

Reasons for Engaging with a Shamanic Coach

The following represents a few points that often emerge as reasons why people take a Shamanic Coaching program:

  • A calling to spend more time in nature and to explore the mysteries that reside within it.
  • To satisfy a need for kinship and mindfulness.
  • To calm a restless spirit.
  • To feed information into a curiosoity about ancient forms of spirituality.
  • To inquire about sensitivities including clairvoyance.
  • To fill a spiritual void.
  • To expand the wonder of Spirit, God or the Great Mother.
  • To explore ideas of faith, the soul and existence after death.
  • To address physical and mental health issues.
  • To explore meaning and purpose as well as deeper meaning.
  • To make meaningful connections.
  • To become or expand oneself as a healer.

This training can assist them in both career and self-employment endeavors especially suited for counseling, alternative healthcare, the spiritual and visual arts, theology, energy work, education, food, nutrition and outdoor recreation.

​Within this 12 Session Certification Training Program, students are encouraged to move through each session lecture assembling notes, experiences and ideas so that they can address five levels of understanding within each session. This will help them to engage clients in a process designed to flow and expand consciousness.

Collectively the levels are a system of growth and clients will require the understanding to navigate through these levels in order to achieve a flowing comprehension. Levels are as follows:
  • Level 1: Social Alchemy
  • Level 2: Creative Doorways
  • Level 3: Tools and Guides
  • Level 4: Cosmic Navigation
  • Level 5: Sacred Experience

The following represents the teaching sections that include the 12 Sessions.

Section 1
  • The Roots of Shamanism
  • First Contact with Nature and the Cosmos
  • How Wild Systems Work

Section 2
  • The Cosmic Tree
  • Energy and Entropy
  • The Biofield

Section 3
  • Life Force
  • Sacred Connections
  • Agreements and Cosmic Reciprocity
  • Relationships

Section 4
  • Meaning and Purpose
  • Intention
  • Sacred Places

Section 5
  • Cycles and Messengers
  • The Vision Quest

Each section includes exercise and meditation training. At present there are 30 physical activities presented within the 12 Session Program. 

Each 5 day Biofield (Shamanic Coach) Practitioner Certification Camp takes place during the dates listed below. Camps begin on Monday and end on Friday. The camp program includes online introductory lessons in advance of each camp.

2025 Camp Program Dates
Open for Registration
(Availability as of February 1, 2025)
  • June 23-27 (2 Seats Available)
  • August 12-16 (4 Seats Available)

Our Second Option: Online Distance Learning -
If you choose to register for our Biofield (Shamanic Coach) Practitioner Certification through Distance Learning we will begin your training within 5 days of registration. Your registration includes placement into one of our 5-day support camps or retreats that you can attend here in British Columbia at anytime in the future. 
I promise to create and implement wild design systems that include an understanding of Earth Energies and a respect for Ancestral Wisdom and the ancient practice of Firekeeping. I will seek to understand biological codes and communication within nature and the Cosmos.

Shamanic Coaching and Biofield Therapy Certification:
Camps begin on Monday and end on Friday. 

Wildcrafters Promise
Regular Shamanic Practitioner Camp Series Cost:
$1800.00 Canadian Dollars per person
SPECIAL: $1400.00 until February 17, 2025

You may register using this secure Paypal link:
Option 2 - Shamanic Practitioner Certification through Distance Learning
Option 1 - Shamanic Practitioner Certification Camp - In Person
We have discounted these specific dates for this program. Register for this program until March 3rd, 2024 while space is still available.

Shamanic Coaching: Energy Medicine and
Biofield Therapy Certification Camp
June 3-7, 2024
Special - $1400.00 per person
This offer is for these dates only, register by March 3, 2024. There are only 4 spaces available at this discounted price.
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You may also register by Interac or
Wells Fargo Transfer. Send us an email and we will send you instructions.

  • Camp Accommodation is Included 
If you have questions please email us or call 250.547.2001
Shamanic Coach Guide
Certification Online
This online certification program takes a practical approach towards contemporary Shamanism as an important tool to nurture “meaning and purpose” within individuals, families and groups. This series is ideal for people interested in spirituality and the science of body, mind and spirit and has been developed to support cross cultural understanding, and methods for making “First Contact” with energies, beings and ideas. 
Learn More...
Years ago in the 1960’s Peter Farb author of "Mans Rise to Civilization" said, “The revival of shamanism in the United States is probably symptomatic of the weakening of orthodox religion’s ability to regulate social behavior and to maintain social values – and of the lack of any stirring new philosophy or ethic to replace the vacuum left by traditional religions.”

At the Wildcraft Forest School we have been delivering a Shamanic Coaching Program for over a decade. This contemporary form of Shamanism focuses on a pan-spiritual approach to life linked to ancient wisdom and wild mysticism. The school has been constructed upon the Shamanic teachings held by a very old Mystery School.

This article describes our 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program.

Learn more at our Substack page

Explore our 12 Session Shamanic Coaching Program registration page
A seminary for Faith-Based Scholars that explores the elements of faith and spiritual connection with nature. This seminary is non-denominational and pan-spiritual and takes place within a Healing Forest and in a camp environment. This event seeks to help faith-based scholars imagine how nature, ecology, stewardship and Forest Therapy can be incorporated into their work.

Nature brings us in touch with the Creator. Trees, forests and all living beings represent our extended family – our kin. This event seeks to help faith-based scholars imagine how nature, ecology, stewardship and Forest Therapy can be incorporated into their work.

Read about this unique
Wildcraft Forest event.

Explore the Healing Forest
registration page

"I also heard the voices of the trees … whose passions I uncovered. I wanted to talk with them … and put my finger on the secret of their majesty."
    - Artist Théodore Rousseau

Our ancestors developed sacred understandings of how trees could heal. Wild forests are rich in biodiversity and hold the necessary balance required for our planet to survive. When we walk in a forest our levels of white blood cells increase and it also lowers our pulse rate, blood pressure and level of the stress hormone cortisol. Plants emit chemicals called phytoncides which are antimicrobial allelochemic volatile organic compounds derived from plants.
The word means "exterminated by the plant" and includes more than 5,000 volatile substances, which are tasked with defending plants and trees from bacteria, fungi and insects.

These natural emissions can provide us with the strength to build our immune system and regenerate our health. This exposure increases our level of "natural killer" cells, which are part of a person's immune response to cancer.

Read this story at our Substack page.

Become part of the solution; explore our Yasei Shinrin Yoku Programs
Shamanic Practitioner Certification Camp  - $1800 per person (Canadian Dollars)
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