Advanced Wildcrafting:
Wildcrafting Foods and Medicines
Professional Certificate
Provides a working understanding of wildcrafting, stewardship and plant spirit medicine
Presented within a 3 day Camp Program
The language of nature consists of codes and energies, which serve as the foundation for life on Earth. This camp series introduces participants to practical methods by which humans can “connect” with the natural world and offers advanced information for wildcrafting plants and habitat for better health. This professional wildcrafting program includes a four lesson distance learning section and provides great learning opportunities for naturalists, healthcare professionals and food specialists. The series helps participants rediscover ancient forms of intuition that are linked to nature and includes wild plant identification in a number of wild ecosystems and focuses on the food and medicinal values in over 30 wild species. In this 5-day camp, participants will explore the gathering and preparation of wild foods; understanding plant spirit medicine and the relationships between species that support regenerative stewardship.
Participants are trained to deliver a number of multi-session wildcrafting programs, one for children and youth; youth at risk; seniors and for wellness groups. This training provides good opportunities for expanding existing workshop and special event programs.
This camp is a great way to learn about better health and lifestyle choices and gives participants a chance to explore pristine environments and understand how the forest is sentient. Upon completion of the camp series, participants will be able to apply for a Wildcrafting Bioregional Studies Certificate (WBSC), which can assist them in both career and self-employment endeavors especially suited for outdoor recreation, education, healthcare, food, nutrition and botany.
I promise to dedicate my life to the protection of Planet Earth and her organic multidimensional systems and to elements of sentient stewardship driven by “agape” principles. I will take personal responsibility for the human presence on Planet Earth; and will seek to solve problems and restore her natural systems that support life and the presence of being.
Wildcrafting Foods and Medicines - Professional Certificate
For “certification” this 5 day camp takes place from May to September. The camp begins on Monday and ends on Friday.
Camp Series Cost: $1600 per person (Canadian Dollars)
You may register using this secure Paypal link:
Camp Section 1
Wildcrafting Basics – Introduction
- Plant and ecology systems identification and an introduction to Wild Habitat Forests, Food Forests and Medicine Forests as well as stewardship methods.
Wildcrafting by Design
- Wild and Natural Systems of Design.
- Ecovillages and Off-the-Grid Living
Biosemiotics and Bioregionalism
- Spirit, Stewardship. Science and Sentience
- Ethics and the Wildcrafters Promise
- Advocacy and implementing political change
Camp Section 2
Plant Spirit Medicine
- Exploration, fieldwork and Vision Quest in one of the following ecosystems: Rainforest, Tundra, Savannah or Aquatic.
Camp Section 3
Re-wilding Foods and Medicines
- Understanding wild foods and plant identification, harvesting and stewardship, the Mother Tree, preparing wild dishes, open fire cooking, serving, the story of place and terrior.
Camp Section 4
- Delivering multi-session Wildcrafting programs,
- Wellness and food groups;
- Working collaborations and building an audience.
This certification program includes a four lesson distance learning introduction.
Regular Registration is $1600 per person (Canadian Dollars) includes online introduction.
2025 Camp Program Dates
Special - $1400.00 per person
This offer is for these dates only, register by March 3, 2024. There are only 6 spaces available at this discounted price.
You may also register by Interac or
Wells Fargo Transfer. Send us an email and we will send you instructions.
- Camp Accommodation is Included
If you have questions please email us or call 250.547.2001
Food security and rewilding have disjointed pathways as we become more careful but without any plans to guide us. A complicated political landscape has emerged as communities lack real tangible food security plans which don’t consider food supply and demand or how new agriculture production will be created. At the end, both nature and humans might suffer. Examining what is happening in Europe will give North Americans a chance to problem solve – or not.
Bringing nature close to us is important. For the most part our perception of what nature is becomes different from person to person. For some, nature might mean a city park, but for others it might be a remote old growth forest. What we do know is that in every case being closer to nature has positive results. It might be our exposure to healthy phytoncides, or perhaps it’s the experience of getting away from steel, concrete and screens
We are now discovering that there are additional layers that might bring us better health. Getting our hands dirty helping nature recover from degradation might result in an improved gut biome from having our hands in the soil as well as an enhanced meaning and purpose as we feel that we are building a tangible relationship with the natural world and helping her regenerate.
We are also discovering that if our food crops interface with wild environments that this will reflect on our health and the health of a vast number of wild species.
How we grow nature within ourselves will serve as a wider expression between humans and nature on Earth. This process of growth and expansion could be described as “rewilding”.
Riparian - Observations within an
Old Growth Forest Riparian Area
We invite you to watch this 30 minute video which examines the ecosystem held by an old growth forest located in an Inland Temperate Rainforest in British Columbia. This riparian area is now feeling the presence of clearcut logging as a road is built along its edge.
Don Elzer shares his thoughts and observations within this footage that we call “Riparian”
Regardless of how challenging things might seem we must remember that we evolved based on our ability to cooperate and build community while strengthening our kinship with nature.
These are challenging times and indeed change is self-evident and it emerges in small trends and movements. The pandemic caused a global social and economic lockdown which created a historical event that shifted existing trends. More people are now moving out of cities which are fueling a “counter urbanization” movement.
Every day we are reminded that we touch and connect with intelligent life forms that include plants, trees, animals and even the landscape all of which we are only beginning to understand. We are in an age that I like to call “First Contact”, and here in the forest we seek to make contact and invest in the cosmic intelligence that surrounds us. An intelligence that we are opening ourselves up to – one that we are preparing for because it is intertwined with our future.
The need for becoming more locally independent is gaining interest and there is a search for information and opportunities to change lifestyle, shelter and place of work.
There is a renewed and expanded interest in being closer to nature, closer to healthy food and clean air and water. There is also an expanded interest to find one’s “tribe”. All of this is generating new thought in philosophical circles – one area that discussions are migrating towards is “bioregionalism”